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CIES Football Observatory has established the rankings of the best training clubs for players active in the big five European league, which includes the Premier League, La Liga, Ligue 1, Bundesliga and the Serie A.
The Kiwanis Foundation of Canada and the members of the Mel Osborne Fellowship feel this is their opportunity to encourage and show that we care about those Kiwanis Service Leadership club member students who are in pursuit of education, high personal goals and community responsibility.
The California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International, Cali-Nev-Ha, or simply CNH is a governing body of Key Club International, a youth sponsored community service organization of Kiwanis International, local Kiwanis clubs and school districts across the state.
In 1924, Sacramento High School in Sacramento, California was in trouble. Destructive clubs and fraternities, although outlawed, moved underground and continued to exercise a negative influence on the student population. Educators and community leaders feared these detrimental effects and sought some means of replacing the clubs with wholesome youth activities.[citation needed] The principal and a faculty member thought that what the school needed was an organization of students that discouraged delinquency by its example. Mr. Vincent asked the local Kiwanis Club for help and, together, they decided to pattern the new group after Kiwanis.
The idea of a junior service club similar to Kiwanis was presented to the school in 1924, but it was not put into practice until eleven students signed a petition on March 25, 1925 which was sent to the Kiwanis International office with a request to be chartered as a Junior Kiwanis Club. By the time the charter was granted and the club held its first meeting, the membership had grown to twenty-five members. Through this group, Kiwanis hoped to provide vocational guidance to the students of the entire school.
The club became known as the Key Club because of the positive influence of these key students who held luncheon meetings each week to which Kiwanians came as guest speakers. Key Club members also attended Kiwanis meetings, thus bringing these young men into constant contact with the business and professional men of the community.
As the experience of the Key Club grew, the club became a complete service organization open to the whole school. A social program was offered to balance its service activities. Over the following years, Key Club went through a period of expansion by word-of-mouth. Other communities throughout the United States started Key Clubs patterned after the one in Sacramento High School. By 1939, about fifty Key Clubs were chartered, many of them in the Southern United States.[citation needed]
The first five clubs officially chartered by Key Club International were those of Sacramento, Monterrey, Oakland Technical, Hemet, and Stockton (now Edison) High Schools. Since Key Club was growing in the area of its birth, and a few clubs existed in neighboring Nevada, by 1947 it was decided that a district should be formed. The first step was to hold a conference in San Diego in October to which all the California Key Clubs and Kiwanis Clubs were invited. A full slate of officers was elected and a set of district bylaws and a constitution were adopted. John Cooper of Oakland Technical High School was the first district governor of the Cali-Nev District. The first official district convention was held in Oakland in March 1948; it was attended by eighty members representing the 23 recognized district Key Clubs. With the chartering of the McKinley High School Key Club in 1952, the district became Cali-Nev-Ha. The first edition of the Cali-Nev-Ha Key appeared on May 1, 1954.
The California-Nevada-Hawai'i District is divided into three main levels of governance: district, division, and club. Divisions are placed into regions, groups of neighboring divisions who are partnered together as an alliance for service within their borders. The highest recognized position is the District Governor with the lowest ranking being the club bulletin editor. Key Club also adopts the inverted pyramid, in which the members are the highest governing body, while the district board and international are the lowest.
These are officially recognized positions held at the division and club levels of the district. All club level officers are elected democratically while Division Assistants, News Editors, and other Division Leadership Team officers remain appointed.
Each Lt. Governor is allowed to appoint one Executive Assistant for every 5 clubs to help maintain the division. Their responsibilities are based on the discretion of the incumbent Lt. Governor and can range from chairing a division project to taking over certain Lt. Governor responsibilities when the current Lt. Governor is unable to achieve their task. Often, underclassmen Executive Assistants run for the Lt. Governor position when the current Lt. Governor's term nears its end.
The Club President and Vice President are responsible for maintaining their high school Key Club. President are typically in charge of running club and officer meeting as well as keeping in good relation with the host school's ASB and Administration as well with the sponsoring Kiwanis Club. Club Presidents train their clubs officer board and are able to delegate tasks to certain individuals as well as set up committees. Ultimate responsibility lies with the president and vice president when reporting to the Division and District.[4]
The Club Secretary bears the responsibility of recording all club and officer meeting minutes as well as keeping track of all attendees at club administrated events. In the Cali-Nev-Ha District, Secretaries are responsible for submitting a Monthly Report Form (MRF) to the Lt. Governor by the 5th of every month, (the date of submission can be set to an earlier date at the discretion of the Lt. Governor). The submission of the membership roster to Key Club International is also the responsibility of the Secretary and should be a collaborative task with the Treasurer.
Financial and monetary business is run and administered by the Club Treasurer. Depending on the monetary policies of the host school or school district, the Treasurer may or may not have access to a private club account. Fundraising for charity as well as the club budget is the responsibility of the Treasurer, they will often work alongside the President when developing blueprints for charity drives or socials. The Club Treasurer works with the Secretary to make sure all club dues are collected and submitted to Key Club International.
The Bulletin Editor is in charge of publicizing and promoting club agenda events as well as District and Divisional Projects. Many club Bulletin Editors act as historians, taking pictures at events and meetings; they may be responsible for comprising the club scrapbook at the end of the year.
A specific project focus selected every other year by the District Project committee made up of members of the District Board. Promoting A Healthier Lifestyle (2021-2023) is the current District Project. Clubs throughout the California-Nevada-Hawai'i District are asked to dedicate at least one service event per month to promoting healthier lifestyles among their members. Clubs do these projects throughout the year. The District has certain District Project weeks during the year that clubs throughout the district concentrate on certain aspects of the District project.[5]
The district convention is held each year in March or April, the conclusion of the CNH Key Club year. This convention is held in celebration of the accomplishments of the individual Key Clubber as well as the clubs, divisions and District's achievements. A convention center has been required to host the assembly of massive amounts members at the general sessions, the location of the convention center alternates each year between Northern and Southern California. Workshops are hosted throughout a three-day period covering training and service project information for elected officers to member centered meet and greets and motivational seminars. The Policies International and Elections Committee oversees the election process of the new District Executive Officers and International Officer Candidates. Caucuses are held to allow the members of the District to hear candidate's platforms and ask questions. A House of Delegates assembles with two representatives from every club in the district to vote.
The results of the election are announced Saturday night at the general session. The general sessions also host a variety of talent acts by members as well as the presentation of scholarships and recognition of people and club who have shown outstanding service to the organization. Spirit rallies are conducted at each general session and a spirit stick goes to the group deemed most spirited. On the final day the Incumbent District Board is retired with all current divisional and club officers, the new District Board is installed and all elected club officers gain official control over their positions at that point.[10]
Woodside High School offers a diverse array of activities for students to join in order to develop new skills, to meet new people, to expand their interests, and to enable them to have an interactive role beyond that of a student. Below is the complete list of classes, clubs, and organizations with the corresponding sponsors. All students attending Woodside High School have the opportunity to participate in a class, club, or organization and are highly encouraged to do so!
For the first time since 2018/19 a new club entered the Money League top 10, with Arsenal replacing Juventus (who fell from 9th to 11th), primarily by virtue of the significant matchday revenue generated, which was almost three times that of the Serie A club in 2021/22. Whilst Juventus and other Italian clubs played a significant portion of their season under the crowd restrictions noted previously, it also reflects a significant return on the investment into the Emirates stadium and goes some way to justifying the infrastructure investment being explored by clubs such as Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, the Milan clubs and Everton, who are looking to future-proof their businesses. 153554b96e