Lecture Ready 3 Answer Key Pdf [BEST]
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Exercise D (p. 4) 1. f 2. g 3. h 4. e 5. c 6. d 7. i 8. a 9. bExercise E (p. 4) Answers will vary. Encourage free and opendiscussions. Exercise F (p. 4) Answers will vary. Possible answers:1. Marketers conduct focus groups to find out what customers want.2. In focus tests, researchers ask questions about brands,attitudes, and cost. 3. Some answers in focus tests are not helpfulto marketers. Exercise G (p. 5) During the first few minutes of alecture, the professor usually mentions the topic and an overviewof the lecture. Without this information, the student will have toguess from context what the lecture is about and what will becovered.
Exercise I (p. 6) Hi, everyone. Good morning. Last week, if youremember, we discussed advertising researchthe different types,such as motivation research and studies of ad effectiveness. Youshould have it in your notes. Well, (Lecture language for topic)this week, were going to talk about product research. There are afew different types, and we wont go into them all, but (Lecturelanguage for plan) Ill be covering two areas that are the mostpopularnew product research, to see if people are interested in anew product thats being planned, and competitive product studies,products that compete with the product your company sells. Thesecond one will be really useful for your final class project.Exercise J (p. 6) Also see transcript for Chapter 1: PracticeLecture. 1. Topic lecture language: In todays class, well focuson
2. Topic lecture language: What I want to discuss today isTopic: the role of product image in advertising. Plan lecturelanguage: first, well look at . . .then well move on to Plan:Product images in ads; how product image connects to the targetmarket
Exercise B (p. 8) Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Iexpect to learn more about market research. 2. I expect to learnmore about focus groups. 3. I expect to learn more about howcompanies market products. Exercise C (p. 8) Students notes willvary. Also see transcript for Chapter 1: Lecture. Exercise D (p. 9)Answers will vary. Encourage students to explain their answers.Exercise E (p. 9) 1. Neuromarketing is different because it studiesthe unconscious reactions to
Exercises B and C (pp. 1011) Answers will vary. Encourage opendiscussion, but remind students to use the strategy for expressingtheir ideas. Step 4: Present Your Knowledge Exercise A (p. 12) 1.He bought sunglasses. 2. Appearance, quality, brand, and costinfluenced his buying decision. Exercise B (p. 12) Answers willvary. Possible answers: He looks down at his notes or up at theceiling quite often. He doesnt always stand still.
Exercise C (p. 12) Answers will vary. Possible answers: Hespeaks louder and clearer. He looks out at the audience, makes eyecontact, and smiles. Exercise D (p. 13) Answers will vary. Possibleanswers: Look around the room and make eye contact with differentpeople. Stand stilldont swing back and forth. Exercises E and F (p.13) Presentations will vary. Encourage students to be honest, yetpolite in their feedback. Remind students to focus their posture,eye contact, and volume.
Exercise D (p. 16) 1. e 2. a 3. g 4. b 5. c 6. d 7. f Exercise E(p. 16) b Exercise F (p. 16) Answers will vary. Encourage free andopen discussion. Exercise G (p. 16) Answers will vary. Possibleanswers: 1. I learned about how Enron committed corruption. 2. Ilearned about Bernie Madoffs Ponzi scheme. 3. I learned about thebank scandals that caused the economic crisis in 2008. Exercise H(p. 17) Answers will vary. Possible answers: Now that Ive told youabout . . . Im going to explain . . . Let me turn to . . .
Exercise I (p. 17) Now that weve discussed some well-known casesof corporate crime, Id like to discuss a U.S. law that was passedto help prevent it: the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The aim of this law wasto improve accountability of corporations and to prevent futurecases of accounting fraud. Lets take a look at some of itsrequirements. First of all, it requires companies to establishindependent audit committeesindependent accountants who arerequired to report honestly about company finances. It alsoprohibits companies from making loans to their executives. Inaddition, it holds top executives responsible for any mistakes orfalse statements on a companys financial records, and it createsstrict penalties for committing corporate fraud. Finally, itprotects whistleblowersemployees who report fraud within thecompany. So, what has been the effect of Sarbanes-Oxley Well,companies complain that the regulations in Sarbanes-Oxley are tooexpensive to implement, and this hurts business. However,supporters of this law feel that it is necessary for preventing andpunishing white-collar crime. Others argue that even more actionneeds to be taken. Exercise J (p. 18) Also see transcript forChapter 2: Practice Lecture. 1. F 2. T 3. T Exercise K (p. 18) Alsosee transcript for Chapter 2: Practice Lecture. 1. Transitionlecture language: First were going to look at . . .
Exercise B (p. 19) Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1.Whistleblower=sb who reports own co/biz doing sth wrong/illegal. 2.e.g. Jeffrey Wigard + Michael Woodford: 2 execs who exposed corpcrime. 3. b/t 2009 and 2011, # of workplace theft cases by 40%. 4.auditor=sb who officially examines tax records of biz/co. Requiredgive honest
+ ind report. Exercise C (p. 20) Answers will vary. Possibleanswers: 1. I expect to learn more about corporate corruption. 2. Iexpect to learn about another case of corporate corruption. 3. Imight learn more about gender and corporate corruption. Exercise D(p. 20) Students notes will vary. See also transcript for Chapter2: Lecture. Exercise E (p. 21) Answers will vary. Encouragestudents to explain their answers. Exercise F (p. 21) 1. The goalof business ethics is to give employees a sense of how tobehave
Exercise H (p. 21) Summaries will vary. Summaries should focuson the most important points in the lecture. Step 3: Discuss theLecture Exercise A (p. 10) Answers will vary. Possible answers:Clarification Sorry, could you repeat that Could you explainthat
Exercises B and C (p. 23) Answers will vary. Encourage opendiscussion, but remind students to use the expressions for askingfor clarification or elaboration. Step 4: Present Your KnowledgeExercise A (p. 24) 1. The Anglo-Irish Bank. 2. Its a bank. ExerciseB (p. 24) Answers will vary. Possible answers: She doesnt greet theaudience. She doesnt provide a plan of what she will cover.Exercise C (p. 24) Answers will vary. Possible answers: She greetsthe audience. She asks a question to involve the audience. Sheprovides an overview of what she will cover. Exercise D (p. 25)Answers will vary. See page 5 of the student book for moreexamples. Topic Today were going to talk about . . . What I want todiscuss today is . . .
Step 1: Listen and Apply New Strategies Exercise A (p. 28)Answers will vary. Exercise C (p. 30) 1. F 2. T 3. F Exercise D (p.30) 1. h 2. d 3. a 4. g 5. c 6. e 7. f 8. b Exercise E (p. 30) aExercise F (p. 30) Answers will vary. Encourage free and opendiscussion. Exercise G (p. 30) Answers will vary. Possible answers:1. Ive learned that media is more participatory than it was in thepast. 2. Ive learned that people are using more and more electronicdevices. 3. Ive learned that people are using many electronicdevices as the same time. Exercise H (p. 31) Sometimes theprofessor will give the generalization first. Other times theprofessor will give support and then tell the generalization.Exercise I (p. 31) Answers will vary. Possible answers: From thiswe can infer . . . The conclusion we can draw from this is . . .Exercise J (p. 31) Excerpt 1 There seems to be a connection betweenemotions and media use. Young people who are unhappy use mediamore. Let me back this up with some findings. One study showed thatthe 18% of young people who scored lowest on the happiness scale, .. . they were the students who reported themselves to be the leasthappy, . . . they spent more time using media than their happierpeers. Excerpt 2 Only 5% of young people said that their parentshad rules about the type of video games they could play. Eventhough there has been a lot of public controversy in
Step 2: Take Notes Exercise A (p. 33) Summaries will vary.Exercise B (p. 33) Students notes will vary. Have students sharetheir notes in pairs. Exercise C (p. 34) Answers will vary.Possible answers: 1. I expect to learn more about how media use ischanging. 2. I expect to learn more about media use andmultitasking. 3. I expect to learn more about young people andmedia use. Exercise D (p. 34) Students notes will vary. Also seetranscript for Chapter 3: Lecture. Exercise E (p. 34) Answers willvary. Encourage students to explain their answers.
Exercise H (p. 35) Summaries will vary. Summaries should focuson the most important points in the lecture. Step 3: Discuss theLecture Exercise A (p. 36) Answers will vary. Possible answers:Giving Opinions I believe . . . I feel . . .
Exercise D (p. 42) 1. f 2. h 3. g 4. e 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. dExercise E (p. 42) b Exercise F (p. 42) Answers will vary.Encourage free and open discussion. Exercise G (p. 43) Answers willvary. Possible answers: 1. Copyright laws were developed for books,paintings, and other non-electronic property. 2. Copyright lawshave not kept up well with technology. 3. There is a lot ofcontroversy about music sharing. Exercise H (p. 43) Answers willvary. Possible answers: The professor might tell you that he or sheis repeating. Or the professor might use an expression to signal arepeated idea. Exercise I (p. 43) Answers will vary. Possibleanswers: Let me repeat that. Let me restate that.
copyright laws. Exercise C (p. 46) Students notes will vary.Remind students to use the split-page format. See also transcriptfor Chapter 4: Lecture. Exercise D (p. 46) Answers will vary.Encourage students to explain their answers. Exercise E (p. 47) 1.More people have access to tools to make high quality recordings ontheir
Exercise G (p. 47) Summaries will vary. Summaries should focuson the main ideas in the lecture. Step 3: Discuss the LectureExercise A (p. 48) Answers will vary. Possible answers: To ExpressInterest To Express Surprise Follow-up Questions Thats right. Thatstrue. 153554b96e