Staad Pro V8i Select Series 4 LINK
Staad Pro V8i Select Series 4 =====
The FSD of Truss is usually expressed in terms of geometric quantities. The FSD for the truss is determined by the FSD of intermediate truss and the number of intermediate trusses in the truss. In this analysis the intermediate truss is also considered to be in equilibrium. The truss considered for FSD is given in Figure 2. The intermediate truss is denoted by I and is selected by selecting the surface called " I" in the software.
The parameters used for the analysis of the FSD of the truss are given in Table 1. The material properties for the analysis have been obtained from STAAD.Pro V8.i (SELECT series 4) but the values are given in foot-pound (ft-lb). The analyses have been carried out by choosing all the geometric parameters along with the continuum property to be kept invariant. The unified methods have been applied to all the cases of load cases. If the truss is designed for a particular force then the geometric parameters necessary for the same are directly obtained from the mechanical quantities. If the truss is designed for a certain beam function at a certain condition then the geometric parameters required to obtain the beam function at that particular condition should be taken care of. The number of analysis and design cases are shown in Table 1. The results for the three and six span cases are shown in the same table.
The maximum load on the string member for each analyzed case has been shown in Table 2. The maximum load varies from 5.42, 5.65 and 5.96 MPa for the span lengths of 10 m, 15 m and 20 m respectively. The present results are in close agreement with the results obtained by the earlier researches. The deflections of the beam to which the ends of each string having same load are subjected to have been determined. The deflection for each analyzed case through the software and obtained results are shown in Table 3. The maximum deflection is 1. d2c66b5586