Tomb Raider 3 For Mac Os X
Fueled as much by her, and her father's, desires to find the artifact, Lara travels on commission by Natla to the icy mountains of Peru to search for it in the lost city of Vilcabamba. Through the Lost Valley teeming with thought-to-be-extinct dinosaurs and numerous booby traps, she enters a desolate tomb, belonging to the God King Qualopec seemingly undiscovered for millennia. She discovers that he was one of three God Kings (the Triumvirate) who ruled Atlantis before it sank according to inscriptions in the room. As she peers closely in awe, one of the beast-like creatures suddenly roars at her, before falling laboriously to the floor. Realizing this tomb is not uninhabited after all. Lara leaves with a piece of the three-part Scion, but notices movement from what had appeared to be a statue of Qualopec before the tomb collapses. Shortly after surfacing from the pool outside the tomb entrance, Lara confronts Larson, who attempts to take the Scion piece from her as Natla knew she would never part with it. After defeating him, Lara discovers that Natla has sent Pierre Dupont, another archaeologist, to find the next piece. Lara breaks into Natla's office that night and finds evidence that the next piece of the Scion is in Greece.
Lara departs to St. Francis Folly in Greece and solves four puzzles related to the gods Atlas, Damocles, Poseidon and Hephaestus in order to navigate past the Colosseum. She then finds the second piece of Scion in the depths of a tomb located under a small cistern and a palace devoted to the Phrygian king Midas. While observing the empty coffin of Tihocan, the second member of the Triumvirate, Lara is told at gun point to give up her piece of the Scion by Pierre. She defeats him, but he runs with the Scion piece in hand, only to be killed by guardian centaurs outside of the tomb. After defeating the centaurs, and assembling both pieces of the Scion, Lara has a vision that reveals the location of the third and final piece of the Scion: Egypt.
i am using crossover 21.1.0 for mac and shortly bought the Tombraider trilogy on GOG. Tombraider II is running perfectly but Tonbraider I + III does not even start. Did anyone manage to get these two running
The mysterious organisation known as Trinity makes a reappearance from Rise, but the stakes are even higher this time around, as Lara heads off to the steamy jungles of South America in an attempt to avert a full-on apocalypse. The game world is larger and more imposing, as you trudge through dense jungle undergrowth that suddenly opens out on to dramatic vistas, such as the lost city of Paititi, and the inevitable collection of temples and tombs. 153554b96e