About Face By David Hackworth Epub
LINK ===== https://ssurll.com/2tav7N
In the book, Wooden Leg recounts a story about one of his first life experiences when he first came to the Blue Water Reservation in the Wyoming Territory. While on a hunting trip, Wooden Leg and his companions happened upon a grizzly bear who had been recently killed and were about to start eating. Wooden Leg, thinking the bear was still alive, grabbed a stick and struck the bear, mortally wounding him. The angry bears wounds began to fester and they had to be cauterized by a white doctor.
Wooden Leg was shipped back to the reservation to receive the treatment, but his wound began to fester. While in the doctor's office, Wooden Leg's companions were told of a white man who could cure him. He was taken to the medicine man's tent and told to lay down on the cot. The medicine man then bit off a piece of Wooden Leg's flesh and pulled out his teeth, using a piece of wood to keep them from falling into the fire. Wooden Leg's companions protested that this treatment was not right and told the medicine man to cease the torture. The medicine man replied that he believed Wooden Leg was shamming about feeling pain and so he continued with the torture.
The book is about Wooden Leg's life as a warrior, and the reader follows him through a series of battles and campaigns along the trails of the Plains, which were the battlegrounds of the many great battles, and the places where the Indians set up their camps.
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