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The law prohibits the use of physical coercion to compel persons to submit to abortion or sterilization. However, intense pressure to meet birth limitation targets set by government regulations resulted in instances of local birth-planning officials using physical coercion to meet government goals. Such practices required the use of birth-control methods (particularly intrauterine devices and female sterilization, which according to government statistics accounted for more than 80 percent of birth-control methods employed) and the abortion of certain pregnancies.
SARS pathology in the immune system. (A) EM image of a circulating T lymphocyte in a patient who had SARS 6 d after onset of fever. Bar, 2 m. Inset: A higher power view of the region in panel A. A group of SARS coronavirus-like particles was located in the cytoplasm. Bar, 0.2 m. (B) EM image of the cytoplasm of a lymphocyte showing three coronavirus-like particles (arrows) in the cytoplasm. The lower two are located near the cell membrane. The one on the lower left seems to have just trespassed the membrane and entered the lymphocyte. Bar, 0.5 m. Inset: A higher power EM image of the membrane region of a peripheral lymphocyte. A coronavirus-like particle (arrow) is shown entering the target cell, and the cell membrane still fused with the viral envelope. E, extracellular space. Bar, 0.1 m. Similar SARS coronavirus-like particles were not detected in the lymphocytes of non-SARS patient (not depicted). (C) LM hematoxylin and eosin staining of the spleen from a patient who had SARS showing depletion of periarterial lymphatic sheath and dilation of splenic sinusoid. No splenic corpuscle was preserved. Bar, 200 m. (D) LM immunohistochemistry staining of the spleen from a misdiagnosed patient shows the normal distribution and size of CD68+ macrophages. Bar, 20 m. (E) LM immunohistochemistry staining of the spleen from a patient who had confirmed SARS shows that CD68+ macrophages are larger than those in the misdiagnosed case. Bar, 20 m.
When you first open FluidSIM, you can select either the Hydraulics or Electronics module. The Hydraslics module works with analog circuits and servo motors, while the Electronics module works with digital circuits and logic circuits. When you create a circuit using either module, you can load the components from the library or import your own components. On the other hand, you can import components from the FluidSIM library 827ec27edc