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TrueTraxx is actually a vehicle for specialized in-car electronics and system integration. It is actually a system for advanced navigational systems, electronic stability control, advanced smart traction, Electronic Brakeforce Distribution, cruise control, collision detection and avoidance with stereoscopic radar, post crash safety systems, head-up display, etc. TrueTraxx is available in the following system package options-- TC1200, TC1500, TC2000, TCB1100, TCB1500.
Qualification information readily available from ShipModelPro includes: date the qualification took place; ship's serial number; signature or flag approval symbol; chartering information; and additional information, such as physical data, stability notes, and so on. The qualification description itself is listed as well. Some other key information, such as the qualifications of the qualification supervisor, and other credentials info, like his or her official position in the company, are also available. If you're interested to see the reference qualification history for a qualifier vessel, you can do that, too.
The SUA GETORT maintains important ship information in various data formats that includes ship's name, ship's serial numbers, ship name and owner, insurance class, flag state, registry, location, master and crew, liability class, various traffic regulations, and a link to the DSC and classification society's document.
AI Marine is a preferred supplier of double hull technology for the ocean-going tanker fleet. The company has been in continuous operation for over 50 years and has the necessary experience, stability, and reputation to operate effectively in the offshore environment. As a global supplier, AI Marine offers customers around the world a wide range of services.
This award-winning software is used by many professional firms and individuals to build and simulate flow visualizations. The solution is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop systems that include unique and robust features. It can be used for building flow visualization models in a simulation environment or for direct visualization and analysis. d2c66b5586