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S&P Global Platts is the world's leading source of energy, metals and industrial products pricing and information. S&P Global Platts delivers critical information to more than 100,000 subscribers in over 170 countries, including price assessments, economic insights, contract details, risk management information, metals prices, news and analysis. S&P Global Platts is a wholly owned, subsidiary of S&P Global Market Intelligence (NYSE: SNAP). For more information, please visit
S&P Global, Inc. (NYSE: SPGI) is a leading global provider of information, analytics and advisory services. The company provides essential insight into markets, economics, management and industry for financial professionals, leading corporations and governments worldwide. Through a unique combination of broad scope, deep market knowledge and innovative technology, S&P Global provides critical access to markets, risk and management insight that improves outcomes for customers, wherever they are in the value chain. To learn more, visit
S&P Global Market Intelligence provides clients with market data, analysis and actionable decision-making insights across all asset classes and geographies. Through its global information services, S&P Global Market Intelligence produces real-time data and news, pricing and analysis, risk analysis, market commentary and corporate financials. The company specializes in providing clients with data, insights and decision-making to help them make better, more informed investment and business decisions.
For decades, the oil and gas industry has been driving exploration and production (E&P) investments to meet the growing global demand for oil and natural gas. These investment decisions will continue to be driven by the energy transition, market demand, and business imperatives. However, the industry must also work to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.
To prepare for the low carbon energy transition and accept that the transformation will be long and complex. The oil and gas sector has to acknowledge and accept that if it does not shift to a new business model, it will undermine the transition and create disruptions that will affect the global energy system.
To plan for the low carbon energy transition and develop the skills and capacity to keep pace with change. Oil and gas companies need to develop the skills and capacity to respond to the emergence of the low-carbon economy in ways that support the emergence of a new global framework for energy and economic development.
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