NEKOPARA Vol. 3 (18 Version) Without Human Verification
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Some of the most advanced rework techniques can deal with rebuilding lifted pads/traces, working with BGA (ball grid array) devices, or making mods to finished deliverable products that must remain visually tidy as well as mechanically robust.
Slightly more advanced rework technique generally involves trace cutting and jumping. Use of wire added to a board can be called "jumpers", "wire mods", "white wires", "bodge wires", and so forth. Wire mod work can get pretty involved when wiring in an entire chip (dead bug or otherwise), or swapping pin order on an entire bus slot connector. This beauty popped up recently on Hackaday.
The Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) is the result of toil of many developers over almost a 40-year history. Initially a Fortran-based code, it has undergone major transitions in underlying bit size from 16 to 32, in the 1980s, and 32 to 64 in 2009; as well as a change in language from Fortran to C in the late 1990s. Maintenance of SAC, the program and its associated libraries, have tracked changes in hardware and operating systems including the advent of Linux in the early 1990, the emergence and demise of Sun/Solaris, variants of OSX processors (PowerPC and x86), and Windows (Cygwin). Traces of these systems are still visible in source code and associated comments. A major concern while improving and maintaining a routinely used, legacy code is a fear of introducing bugs or inadvertently removing favorite features of long-time users. Prior to 2004, SAC was maintained and distributed by LLNL (Lawrence Livermore National Lab). In that year, the license was transferred from LLNL to IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology), but the license is not open source. However, there have been thousands of downloads a year of the package, either source code or binaries for specific system. Starting in 2004, the co-authors have maintained the SAC package for IRIS. In our updates, we fixed bugs, incorporated newly introduced seismic analysis procedures (such as EVALRESP), added new, accessible features (plotting and parsing), and improved the documentation (now in HTML and PDF formats). d2c66b5586