Shameless (UK) - Season 11
A decade of South Side chaos comes to a close in the Shameless season 11 finale, which includes Shameless' now-infamous Frank Gallagher death after he bids farewell to his boisterous progeny. Created by John Wells, the Showtime series debuted in 2011, following the Gallagher clan growing up (more or less) into responsible adults with jobs, families, and extensive criminal records of their own. By the end, the series had a tough task in tying up various subplots for the extensive ensemble cast.
Of all the many, many ways one might expect to see the Frank Gallagher death scene, few could have predicted at the start of the series that he'd fall victim to a pandemic. In Shameless season 11, the Frank Gallagher series finale fate sees the character diagnosed with alcoholic dementia, and his mental faculties quickly begin to deteriorate, leading to forgetfulness and confusion. Resigned to death and wanting to go out on his own terms, the ridiculous Frank Gallagher injects himself with a massive overdose of heroin in the penultimate episode of the series, leaving a letter for his family that goes unnoticed by everyone except Franny, who simply draws all over it with her crayons. The patriarch of the Gallagher clan even goes as far as to get \"DO NOT RESUSCITATE\" tattooed in bold letters on his chest, leading to confusion among the hospital staff about whether or not the instructions are legally binding.
Before being taken to the hospital, Frank goes to the church where he was once an altar boy and looked up at the statue of Jesus. The moment echoes a similar scene from the Shameless season 6 premiere, in which Frank goes to the same church to look for answers after the death of Monica, the mother of his children and the love of his life. Although Fiona may not have returned for the finale, Frank's final stumbling journey through Chicago was nevertheless a tribute to her memory. The first place Frank visits is Patsy's Pies, the diner where Emmy Rossum's Fiona used to work, and, with his memory failing, his first instinct is to seek out Fiona. In his final hours, he believes the nurse at his bedside is Fiona, and the last words he speaks before falling into unconsciousness are addressed to his eldest daughter: \"You cried a lot as a baby. You're mad all the time... But so beautiful.\"
Ian's rocky road to married life in Shameless has featured multiple felonies, significant prison time, an escape across the Mexican border, and countless punches thrown. Yet, at the end of the series, Ian and Mickey seem to be closest to a secure and settled life. Shameless season 11 saw proud South Side \"barbarian\" Mickey confronting the realities of married life as he and Ian move to a luxury West Side condo, start running their own legitimate security business, and even consider the possibility of children.
In the Shameless series finale, Ian and Mickey go to Kev and V's apartment to pick out some furniture for their apartment, and Ian suggests that they take a crib, sparking a conversation about the possibility of having kids. Mickey is averse to the idea, admitting that he's afraid he'll be a bad father. His fears are understandable, given what a horribly abusive father Terry Milkovich is shown to be. Terry's death-via-nun earlier in Shameless season 11 was part of the journey towards Mickey breaking free psychologically from the worst parts of his Milkovich heritage. Despite being treated terribly by Terry, Mickey went out of his way to make sure his father was cared for after being paralyzed and mourned him after he was dead.
In the opening of the Shameless pilot, Frank describes Debbie as being \"sent by God\" and a \"total angel.\" By the end of the show, his estimation of her has changed. \"You remind me of your mother, and not in a good way,\" he says ominously. Like Ian, Monica had bipolar depression. Unlike Ian, she was unable to get on a consistent medication schedule, and as such, ended up being largely absent from her children's lives as she flitted from one adventure to the next. In Shameless season 11, Debbie shows warning signs of being a similarly poor mother to Franny - leaving her alone without any confirmed childcare to go off on a drink and drugs binge, and starting a relationship with Heidi, a violent ex-con who greeted Debbie by pointing a gun and threatening to shoot her daughter if she didn't cooperate.
In the most surprising turnaround from Shameless season 1, Carl ended up becoming a police officer and working the parking enforcement beat after getting tossed out of several different departments. This is likely a good thing; if Carl Gallagher is going to be armed with a weapon, then handing out parking tickets is probably the safest place for the young Gallagher. In Shameless season 11, Carl was repeatedly frustrated by his job as a cop, which wasn't the action-packed justice-dealing role he'd hoped for. First, he was paired with Officer Tipping, who refused to take any call that sounded remotely risky. Then he was partnered with Officer Janes, who seemed like the tough mentor figure Carl was looking for until it became clear that she used her power for acts of pointless cruelty. A stint with a pair of Vice detectives also ended badly when Carl realized they were corrupt to the bone and running a racket wherein they shut down legal cannabis dealers to prop up the black market.
Of all the Shameless Gallagher siblings, Carl's is the story that feels most unfinished - even in a finale designed to leave an open-ended story. This is largely due to a subplot in which he was raped by a girl called Tish, who had sex with him without a condom despite his protests. An unclear amount of time later, he met Tish again and discovered that she was pregnant, but the question of whether or not Carl is the father is left unanswered by the series. Carl is actually already a father several times over, via an artificial insemination scheme from a couple of seasons ago, so there are now quite a few illegitimate children who could potentially pop up again in his future.
This vacuum may have been why Liam ended up getting closer to Frank in the final season of Shameless. Frank is (despite appearances) Liam's biological father, and Liam defaulted to him in his search for a parent figure since Frank is technically his father even if he has no other qualifications. Of course, Frank being Frank, what actually happened is that Liam ended up acting more like the parent in their relationship. After finding out about Frank's dementia diagnosis, Liam took him out for a day trip to relive Frank's glory days and try to bring him back to himself. And when Frank wakes up from his overdose and wanders out of the house, Liam is the only Gallagher who goes looking for him.
When Veronica's mother, Carol, announced that she was going to join the exodus and relocate to Louisville, Kentucky, V at first vehemently opposed the plan. But a trip to Louisville made it clear that a better life was possible there: a political landscape where Veronica could really make a difference; a bartending job where Kev could make a lot more money than The Alibi had been pulling in; and a growing Black community that includes Carol and many of the Fisher family's friends. Moreover, with Fiona gone and the rest of the Gallaghers planning to move away, the ties that once anchored Kev and V to the South Side are proved to be increasingly weakened across Shameless' final two seasons.
With Frank Gallagher providing the ultimate Shameless character exit at the end of season 11, it's hard to imagine the series coming back for another season without him. Unfortunately, Shameless season 12 really is out of the question, as the show's cancellation was announced in January 2020. Season 11 eventually made it to release after pandemic-induced delays, but the decision to end Shameless there has stuck. Showtime felt that Shameless had run its course with 11 seasons and that it was best to end on a high note. Showrunner John Wells admitted to being disappointed by this decision, but he's also touchingly affirmed that Shameless will never really end:
With such an emotional ending to Shameless season 11, it does indeed feel like the right time for the series to end, but it's also comforting to know that, at least in Wells' mind, the characters are still carrying on and their themes will still resonate.
While Fiona was shown in flashbacks during all the Frank Gallagher series finale moments, it was still weird not having her around. Fiona Gallagher was a mainstay on the show before Emmy Rossum's season 9 exit, and while Shameless was an ensemble cast effort, she often felt like the main character. The UK Shameless' Fiona left the show early as well, but she left during season 2, hardly enough time to grow as attached as audiences did to Emmy Rossum's iteration.
Shameless Season 11 started airing on Showtime in December, with the Gallaghers returning for the final set of misadventures. Netflix viewers will eventually get to watch the last ever season of Shameless, but not until 2021. Though the streaming service has not confirmed when the episodes will be available to watch online, each season's Netflix release date has been remarkably consistent, meaning we can work out exactly when Season 11 should drop.
Apart from the U.S., the following countries have the first 10 seasons of Shameless on Netflix now, suggesting they will get Season 11 in 2021: Argentina, Australia, Greece, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, Sweden and Turkey.
Showtime announced the acclaimed comedy will return for its final season at the 2020 Television Critics Association winter press tour. William H. Macy is returning as patriarch Frank Gallagher. John Wells is returning as executive producer as well. The UK version of Shameless that Showtime's series is based on also ran for 11 seasons.
Emmy Rossum previously starred in seasons one-nine. Her character Fiona, the eldest Gallagher sibling, left at the end of the season to begin a life outside the family. Other former cast members include Justin Chatwin, Joan Cusack, Isidora Goreshter, Jake McDorman and Emma Greenwell. 59ce067264